Archive for the ‘"Christian" Novels’ Category

Entertaining Novels Full of Gospel Truth

October 26, 2009

(to Stephen Burch)

Jake Colsen’s SO YOU DON’T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH ANYMORE? available as a free download at (you can also read the theological/analytical version by Wayne Jacobson [half of the psuedonym Jake Colsen, the other half being David Coleman] THE NAKED TRUTH, also available as a free download at I also love any of Ted Dekker’s novels [he co-wrote BLESSED CHILD and A MAN CALLED BLESSED with Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, plus about 20-30 more; I especially like his trilogies BLACK/WHITE/RED and THUNDER OF HEAVEN, and there are spin-offs from those even), C.S. Lewis’s PERELANDRA trilogy and SCREWTAPE LETTERS, Hannah Hurnard’s HIND’S FEET ON HIGH PLACES and MOUNTAINS OF SPICES (both are actually allegories as great in my estimation as John Bunyan’s PILGRIM’S PROGRESS). Then of course, Frank Peretti novels [THIS PRESENT DARKNESS, etc.,], which to me get very “Twilight Zone” in nature toward the end [he also co-wrote HOUSE with Ted Dekker]. I’ve not read any, but I’m thinking Janette Oke has a number of romance novels. (I think the Laura Ingalls Wilder LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE series fits her also). Even some of your classics like THE SCARLET LETTER by Nathaniel Hawthorne (and any of his short stories), HEART OF DARKNESS  and LORD JIM by Joseph Conrad, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Dostoyevsky, WAR AND PEACE and others by Tolstoy–the list goes on and on to include books like Dante’s DIVINE COMEDY–have major Christian themes. Do you want me to name more??? OK. Rick Joyner’s FINAL QUEST (one of top 50 best sellers of all time, and translated into 47 languages) and other books in that series. Of course, you know THE SHACK by William Paul Young. Wendy Alec (co-founder of GOD-TV) wrote JOURNAL OF THE UNKNOWN PROPHET, which is told from the vantage point of Jesus speaking; she has also written 2 in a series of 7 called CHRONICLES OF BROTHERS series, titled THE FALL OF LUCIFER and MESSIAH: THE FIRST JUDGMENT. There’s a book called THE SERVANT LEADER, or something like that, about business, but I can’t remember the author. There’s one called JOSHUA, the story of a modern-day Jesus, but, again, I can’t remember the author. Let me know when you get all these read…I’ll find some more for you! LOL

Oh, I forgot to include Andy Andrews THE TRAVELERS GIFT, THE LOST COIN, and ISLAND OF SAINTS (about the power of forgiveness).