Archive for the ‘Nugget 020 LOVE ROCKS!’ Category


December 10, 2009


I like that current term, that something “rocks”! My sense of the meaning, to try to capture it for someone not familiar with jargon, is that the thing being discussed excites, amazes, connects, works wonders, & basically somehow generates awe & wonder. And if anything does that, it’s love.

“Love covers a multitude of sins,” says James—it makes God actually “forget” all our sins (actually, He put them all onto Jesus so that He could really forget them!) & it makes us forget those of others. You might say it “re-formats the disc.”

“Love bears all/ believes all/ hopes all/ endures all.” (1 Corinthians 13) Love gives us a clean slate to write on, every single morning when we wake up—we get to start all over, feeling fresh. (Jeremiah, in the book of Lamentations, said it this say: “Your mercies are new every morning—Great is Your faithfulness, O God!”) We begin to understand that nothing is too hard, nothing is too difficult.

Love heals “broken bones,” and makes the mended place stronger than before the break.

Love reaches out when it doesn’t have to.

Love gives till there’s no more to give, & then reaches out for a miracle so it can give more!

Love never stops.

That’s why God chose to reveal Himself as LOVE!
